
miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

Leandra Medine, Repelente de Hombres!

Leandra Medine, es escritora y bloggera, ella es la famosa "Man Repeller". En 2011, Obtuvo su título de Periodista en Parsons.
Para ella, la buena moda consiste en complacer a las mujeres y no a los hombres. Se trata de animarse; usar las tendencias y prendas que nos gustan y ellos detestan.
Medine cuenta que "The Man Repeller" surgió en Mayo de 2010. La idea de hacer un blog se dio en una visita a Topshop. "Nos estábamos riendo de las prendas que veíamos, todo repelía a los hombres: pantalones súper lavados, y hombreras enormes, entre otras cosas. En ese momento dije, "Eso es, ese es el nombre del Blog".
Comenzó como hobby hace unos años, hoy en día, es considerado como uno de los mejores: Leandra Medine nos deleita con sus looks, habla de moda sabiendo de moda sin perder su punto de vista particular.

Leandra Medine
 is an American author and fashion blogger best known for The Man Repeller, a humorous website for serious fashion. She explained the title of her blog to the Daily Mail: "Good fashion is about pleasing women, not men, so as it happens, the trends that we love, men hate. And that is fantastic."
In 2012, Medine was featured in Forbes ' "Top 30 Under 30" as one of the year's "most influential trendsetters," while The Man Repeller was recognized in TIME's "25 Best Blogs of 2012",and received "Best Overall Blog" at the 2012 Bloglovin' Awards. In that year, Medine also topped Adweek's "Fashion Power 25" which recognizes those "who truly mattered in fashion and style," beating the likes of Lady Gaga, Michelle Obama, and Anna Wintour."Medine was born and raised in New York City, the daughter of Mois and Laura Medine; she is of Turkish Jewish and Iranian Jewish descent.
In May 2011, Medine obtained her undergraduate degree from The New School, where she majored in Journalism.
Medine started The Man Repeller blog in May 2010 as a hobby. The idea for the blog came during a trip to Topshop. Medine recalled, "We were laughing at how everything was so man-repelling: acid-washed harem pants and enormous shoulder pads, and I just said, ‘That’s it! That’s the blog,’" In an interview, Medine went on to explain "Man Repelling isn't about getting dressed and saying 'How am I going to repel a man today?' It's about dressing for yourself and liking what you're wearing."



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